Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Finally, with car seat installed we venture out into the "real" world.
Not really, just over to Mum & Dad's (Granny and Granda to Fin) to help Dad with rebuilding a portion of the backyard fence. We were to spend the day there and have Mum (Fin's mum, Ella to u and me) join us after work for dinner.
Didn't leave the house till after 11 o'clock. Took longer then it should of to get the boy organized. To be fair, for me to get organized. He once again was as good as gold, chatting to himself in his high chair and rocking chair as I ran around like a loon, packing lunch and dinner, diaper bag, change of clothes for me, for him, making sure he had enough toys, diapers, teething rings, frozen milk to last a week. Also on the list was tools Dad had left here, which we might need on the job.
Fin seemed to enjoy his new carseat, although according to the instruction book, I need to find a stiff foam noodle (?)to prop up one end of the base so the chair is more level with the ground. Yesterdays yams went down a treat, so it was yam & peas for lunch and dinner.
It was nice to do some more physical labour as opposed to washing dishes and clothes, which I had seem to do a lot of the first two days. Having said that, I don't think I would last too long as a farm labourer. Did a fair amount of shovelling and pounding in posts this afternoon. As I didn't get any blisters either I developed some thicker skin the last couple of months at work or I didn't work as hard today as I thought.
Don't think I didn't get any house hold chores done though. I did get a load of diapers washed and on the line but I must amit that I forgot about them until a couple of minutes ago. They should go out again tomorrow as they are a bit damp seeing as it is close to 11pm. I've also got pears on the go but they are taking longer to cook then they should. They will get blended, strained and frozen tomorrow.
Back to the boy, he was quite happy showing off his new skill of sitting up by himself, on a blanket in his grandparents back yard while his Dad sweated. He again had a long nap after lunch and more sitting. He slept for nearly two hours which may account for his not wanting to go to bed early but I think it had more two do with his slight change in diet, probably getting less milk then he's used to,as he was a little backed up and the fact that his is missing his Mum during the day and wants to spend time with her when she gets home.
The challenge for tomorrow will be to figure out how to strap Fin into our cool, hip new baby carrier without the assistance of Ella. I'll try not to break or pull any limbs or muscles either Fins' or mine.

ps just had a close call. Almost managed to get Fin back to sleep by taking the bottle and dropping off. My downfall was in lowering him into his crib. He woke and needed his Mum, but progress non the less, although Ella might disagree... But then let here get her own blog.

In response to Patricia, blog comes from web and log. Please feel free to leave notes or respond to anything written here. I appreciate the warm response from family but am feeling the pressure to live up to expectations.

more tomorrow

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