Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Quickie While He Naps

Just talking about my blog. He's been napping quite well, recently. He went down yesterday twice for a while. He was a little grouchy yesterday but we all have days like that. I mean there were certainly smiles and laughs but he let me know when he wasn't happy, I probably wasn't proactive enough with his naps but there you go. He went down a little earlier last night and that didn't seem to do him any harm. He dropped off pretty quick, the time it takes Ella to shower, then me. I was able to visit Brad who is in town for a short while last night. When I left just after 8:00 he had been sleeping for a quarter of an hour. He slept through till about 5:30 so well done Fin.
He's quite funny with this new PPPTTTTTHHHH as part of his vocabulary. Doesn't really matter what kind of mood his in whether he's happy, chatting and laughing or annoyed about something. He can even be drifting off to sleep murmuring to himself and pppptttthhh.
We went swimming again today, no real new developments but he didn't lift his legs out of the water when he was on his back. On the way home we did a shot of shopping. I don't know how these Mum's carry these kids around the shops with bags of groceries etc., my arms kill me when I've only done a couple of minutes. Maybe it's something in the hips? We've got some laundry done, boiled some broccoli for Fin, done the dishes. When the swimming lessons are over at the end of the week hopefully I'll be able to get more painting done. Until later a PPPPTTTTHHHH to one and all.

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