Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Day and a Bit

Well, yesterday went fairly smoothly, but did have a great deal of help from Mum and Dad. Ewan slept in til about 8 o'clock, which let Fin and I do our usual morning thing. Ella has taken over feeding him breakfast, it is a nice bit of time to spend with him before running off to work. This is also the time she seems to be putting on her face, so not focusing entirely on him. Needless to say the boy is quite messy, maybe it looked like putting war paint all over your face looked fun. Yesterday he was soaking from pouring water down his front while drinking like a big boy. (I'm sure he wasn't at the hockey game with me and Uncle Ben to see how that was done).

When Ewan arose and graced our presence, breakfast went without too much of a hitch. The boy has a healthy appetite much like his parents and older brother. Ella seems to have got him used to eating off the spoon because there was surprisingly little mess. I was feeling quite pleased with myself as the tears didn't start until 10. Mum and Dad were coming over to free me up to pick up the van from garage and get it through AirCare. After a few cuddles and attempted feeding from the bottle, it was determined the youngest was tired and Dad showed me his technique for putting Ewan down. Don't want to jinx anything but it has worked for me three times on the trot now.

I'm off to fold an ever multiplying pile of laundry. I 'm sure the laundry pile is an asexual, cell dividing, science experiment Ella has created. She always complains of losing socks, so has come up with a way that they reproduce to replace the missing ones. Will try to get that task completed before the sleeping beauties awake and turn into crying crown princes;)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Here We Go Again!

Wow! A year since the last posting on here. Well needless to say I've been busy, but no more excuses.

In May of this year we welcomed Ewan Christopher into our, seemingly ever growing family. Once again Ella did a tremendous job, and I just kind of coasted along for the ride. As most of you know that is not that unusual for me. Now the real work begins, no, not the blog writing, but being a full time stay at home Dad. No running of to work to get away from it all. This is it, I'm in the trenches.

I'm doing a disservice to my youngest. He is a lovely boy, and if possible, is even better tempered than his brother. Ella and I had visions of the second child being a nightmare as our first was fairly well behaved and a happy soul.

If I was staying at home with either one of them I would be looking forward to the next 5 and a bit months. But life is a numbers game and I'm clearly outnumbered here. If I was a defence man playing a 2 on 1 against me, I know to play the pass and leave the shot to the goalie. I'm filled with terror that they won't nap at the same time, Ewan will cry, and try as I might he won't stop. Fin will decide he's had enough of being the good older brother and will act up, and suddenly I've got two screaming, crying, hungry boys, who need changing and cuddling and my wife will be home in an hour and I forgot to defrost the chicken from the freezer.

The time I had will Finlay for those months at home I wouldn't exchange for the world. I'm sure the next stint at home will be just as rewarding, and I look forward to sharing some snippets of round 2 with you.

Good night.